1.Convex Hull
def by princeton:
Given set of N points in the Euclidean plane, find minimum area convex region that contains every point.
Intuition: points are nails perpendicular to plane, stretch an elastic rubber bound around all points; it will minimize length.
there are some beneficial trials, like extreme points(which is O(n^4)), extreme edges(which is O(n^3)), because in these trials we have to wrap up some useful functions like To_Left, which is also used in better algorithms.
Applications. Among oldest and most well-studied problems in computational geometry problems.
- Robot motion planning.
- Shortest perimeter fence enclosing P.
- Smallest area polygon enclosing P.
- Unique convex polygon whose vertices are points in P that encloses P.
- Smallest convex set containing all N points (i.e., intersection of all convex sets containing the N points).